Larry Villegas Costas

Remote Full Stack Web Developer


Technology enthusiast and certified Full Stack developer taking pleasure in assisting organizations in crafting innovative solutions for optimizing business processes. Brings a wealth of experience from various software development roles, spanning front-end technologies like JavaScript, React, Redux, and Tailwind, as well as back-end technologies such as Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL. Background includes extensive experience in agile communication and teamwork, along with success in managing and leading teams of over 10 individuals.


Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, Tailwind, Astro, Jest.

Back End: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SQL, PostgreSQL, 4GL, IBM Informix, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server.

Tools & Methods: Git, GitHub, VSCode, Netlify, Mobile/Responsive Development, Test-Driven Development (TDD), Chrome DevTools.

Professional Skills: Remote Pair Programming, Remote Mob Programming, Teamwork, Leadership, Problem-Solving, Effective Communication.



2023 - Present

Full Stack Web Developer

Working independently on personal projects, I successfully graduated as a Full Stack Developer.

  • Development of team projects remotely.
  • Pair programming with +40 developers from different parts of the world.

Head of Computer System Unit

I began my career as a computer technician, and through my dedication and hard work, I was promoted to head of development. Later, I advanced to the position of Head of Unit, where I successfully contributed for five years.

  • Led a team for 7 years, resolving administrative challenges and overseeing salary management for over 15,000 individuals.
  • Modernized the process of issuing military and pre-military service certificates in the Plurinational State of Bolivia. Reduced processing time from one month to a few hours.
  • Implemented robust security measures comparable to those used for paper bills or currency.
  • Technologies used: Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft ASPX with Visual C#, IBM Informix 4GL.
  • Recognized for leading this project, and even receiving a promotion.
  • Military and Pre-Military Service Certificates in the Defense Ministry Plurinational State of Bolivia.


Fast Land Racers↗

Is a car booking website that enables users to effortlessly book rides and travel to their desired destinations.

Build with:
Ruby on Rails React Redux

Tesla Clone↗

Tesla Clone is a replica of the Tesla website. It is a static website built using Astro, Tailwind.

Build with:
Astro JavaScript Tailwind

Crypto Coinranking↗

It's a powerful web application designed specifically for cryptocurrencies.

Build with:
HTML CSS JavaScript React Redux

The Simpsons Fans Club↗

Show the episodes of the popular series The Simpson.

Build with:
HTML CSS JavaScript Webpack Jest

Catholic Music Concert↗

A landing page specifically created to promote a Catholic concert.

Build with:
HTML CSS JavaScript



February 2023 - October 2023

Remote Full Stack Web Development Program, Full-Time

  • Mastered algorithms, data structures, and full-stack development during a 1300+ hour intensive program.
  • Developing projects with Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, React, and Redux.
  • Practiced remote pair programming and mob programming using GitHub and industry-standard Gitflow, along with daily morning stand-up sessions to communicate and collaborate with international remote developers.

Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

January 1998 - August 2003

Electronic Engineering - ungraduated

  • Intern as a Teaching Assistant.
  • Responsible for the Computer Laboratory.
  • Scholar at the Faculty of Medicine, overseeing the UMSALUD Network.